Friday, December 16, 2005

An Abbreviated Timeline

-10000 D.R.* Corellon curses Ilythiiri and his followers who retreat into the under dark and become the drow.

-7790 D.R. The flight of dragons. The orb lords with the patronage of Tiamat lead a great host of dragons that decimates vast areas of the realms. Many cities fall and are plundered.

-5009 D.R. Thayonestia is founded by the Cult of Blood fleeing persecution in the land of Aglarond.

-4907 D.R. Vecna with the help of Kas, the general of the Cult of Bloods army, seizes control of Thayonestia.

-4901 D.R. The armies of Thayonestia begin to plunder and subjugate the surrounding city states.

-4875 D.R. The now nation of Thay reaches the zenith of its power after twenty five years of bloody conquest.

-4872 D.R. The Thayonestia campaign. You are here.

-4870 D.R. Vecna and Kas are slain under mysterious circumstances. Thay falls into chaos as arch wizards vie for power. Ultimately after much purging of the ranks Thay falls into the control of the eight arch mages of the eight schools of magic.

-3533 D.R. The Netheril discover the Nether scrolls.

-339 D.R. The fall of Netheril and the death of Mystral. Mystral is reborn as Mystra who alters the weave to prevent the Netheril magic from functioning.

1372 D.R. Present Day. The year of Wild Magic and the resurgence of the old magics. The Waterdeep campaign takes place in this year.

*D.R. Dale Reckoning. It is the most widely used calendar in the realms.

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