Friday, August 29, 2008

Game On

Game on Monday 9/1

Please sign up as usual. There are several factors (Gustov, Hanna, Tamar) that may torpedo this game session so check this blog Monday Morning to confirm. I will put up a second confirmation post. Hopefully all three will cooperate and we will be gaming as usual.


Anonymous said...

I'm there if all is a go.


Anonymous said...

I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

be there too. might be 15mins late or so but will be there.


Unknown said...

Not going to make it. We've got quite a lot planned this weekend.

philipm said...

Folks I am sorry but the game tonight is cancelled. I am not feeling well and half of my possessions are still in boxes. We will resume next week and will hopefully be in the new man room.