Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Game On

We are playing this Monday at 6:00 p.m.

We will either play Castles and Crusades if Clay is ready or board games if he is not.

I have to say I enjoyed Settlers of Catan. I will buy the 5-6 player expansion this week. I am also looking at game reviews online and will be picking up a few more games. Check out boardgamegeek.com if you are interested in helping me look for a good game.

Sign up if your coming.


Unknown said...

I know it's been dragging on, but I'm still not ready to dm a game. been sick this week and still playing salesman to get rid of some of my equipment. i'll know tommorow if i have the trencher sold. wish me luck. I should be there monday, too, for a boardgame or whatever.

Anonymous said...

gl with that man. I'm there like always phil. Up for anything really from D&D to 40k to boardgames.


Anonymous said...

im there man gotta work per usual!!!


philipm said...

I picked up the 5-6 player expansion for Settlers and I got Starfarers of Catan which looks pretty awesome! You get a really cool plastic rocket ship that you add on parts that you purchase with resources.

philipm said...

I picked up the 5-6 player Starfarer expansion.

The next game I buy will not be a Catan game. I am looking for a military conquest game like risk but more in depth. It would be even better if it were a space conquest/war game.

dewmanchu said...

I'm there