We are playing this Monday at 6:00 p.m. It would be really great if we could start on time this week. Part of my adventure wrap up entails the King in Yellow offering you an enticement to work for him in the form of a magic item. Everyone who is on time gets a special Phil item. Late people get a book item. (Assuming of course that you are going to take his offer.)
Dewey, you are still DM'ing for the high level party, right?
P.S. Can I play Lord Destron if I tone him down some levels? What level would he need to be? I would make him a Fighter/Wizard/Necromancer: presteige class.
I'm sure it will be fine to play him as long as it's balanced with the rest of the party. You can make the call on the level. I trust your judgment.
Good luck balancing that beast
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