Saturday, October 22, 2005

Selber Tyrannth

Name: Selber Tyrannth
Class: Fighter
Race: Human
Height: 5’3”     Weight: 135lbs.
Eye: Blue     Hair: Silver     Skin: Bronze

     Selber was born to ‘Goodman’ Xynte Tyrannth and his half-elven wife Ulnae of Archendale, some 17 years ago.
Most Archendale youth are said to be born sword in hand, Selber was no exception. But he was an exception in a way; he was cold and sometimes even cruel to others, rare traits in any Daleland. Xynte decided to send Selber to a private academy where not only could he learn more of warfare, his only interest, but also more noble teachings including caring and compassion of others. Xynte hoped, with this, his son Selber would be the next in a long line of family tradition by joining the Swords, ruling force of Archendale, but first he needed to learn.
     The caring and compassion never really sank in, but war… on the other hand he was most attentive. He was quick to master not one weapon, but two simultaneously. His mentor was pleased with the efficiency with which Selber grasped sword-play. After several months Xynte arrived to check on Selber’s progress. Xynte was saddened to find out his son had forgone almost all lessons of the mind and heart for lessons of death.
     Xynte decided to approach Selber’s mentor Jolgar and express his displeasure. He explained that he wanted Selber to one day be granted a commission with the Swords, as was tradition. Jolgar pointed out that Selber had never mentioned any such desire himself, but that he’d discuss it with him personally. Jolgar went to Selber and asked what he wanted in life. “Blood and death, of course” was the reply. Jolgar then explained Xynte’s wishes to Selber.
Selber thought long and hard about the situation and finally said… “Well Master Jolgar I have no desire to belong to any council such as the Swords, but… if you desire it then I will earn my commission.” Jolgar was pleased beyond belief; he never expected such a reply. “On one condition though” Selber continued “you must defeat me in single combat .” Jolgar agreed knowing he could easily win. The duel is a farce to allow Selber to keep his honor and dignity in the matter Jolgar thought. More wrong he couldn’t be.
     After a long duel Jolgar managed to disarm Selber and declared himself as winner. Jolgar turned towards Xynte “Goodman, the duel is finished he will follow tradition as you requested. He is as honorable as he is fierce…”  Jolgar looked down at the two short swords that skewered though his chest and gasped.
“To the death peon.” Were the last words Jolgar ever heard. Xynte stood in shock as Selber pulled his swords from his mentor’s body. “Sorry father it isn’t my tradition… it’s yours, and if you wish to continue it you’ll leave me out of it.” Xynte couldn’t believe his eyes, his son a cold-blooded murderer. He looked his son in the eye and said “Very well. You will leave these lands. You are no longer my son. You are despicable and evil. Leave my sight!”
A smiling Selber was seen later that day packing his belongings and heading east. I will find a new home. One where adventure is plentiful. For that will be the way to get relevant experience, infamy and fortune; all the things I’ll need to become the Realms deadliest combatant

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