Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Game ON

I don't know about you but I thought Starcraft rocked. We will be playing it again this Monday. Sign up if your coming.


Unknown said...

I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

Im there


Anonymous said...

don't know if I'll make it. I have a date either Monday or Wednesday. Anyone know a good Italian restruant?
Or any good place for a good first date. I'm really nervous I have been after this girl for over 2 months now and she finially said yes.

Sorry for the spelling I might be a little drunk.


philipm said...

We don't really have a good upscale italian rest. I like olive garden. The one in the mall is nicer than OG.

Anonymous said...

caraba's is nice. gregory and 9th i think.

dewmanchu said...

It's my Mom's Birthday today. So I'll have to see what the plans are. I'll make it if I'm able, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be a family day. FYI I took myself off on Mondays its way too hard for me to make it when I'm working. If I don't see you guys this week next week is a go.

Anonymous said...

ill be there.
