Saturday, March 28, 2009

Game On

We are playing this Monday at 6:00 p.m. There is a 40% chance that I will be running for the Thayonestia party so bring your characters. Don't hold me to it though. Clay I don't remember if you have a character for this party. If you don't let me know. I have an NPC that could easily become a PC that has been associated off and on to the party. He is rather unique and you would probably enjoy playing him.


Anonymous said...

Im there gotta work 1st though


Unknown said...

i'll plan on playing that npc if you decide to run. does anyone still have their magic cards? i found mine the other day. i have enough to build 4 or 5 good decks if anyone was interested in doing that one night.

philipm said...

I like magic. I have a few decks. I am down whenever you want to play.

Anonymous said...

i'll be there.
