Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Game On

We are playing this Monday at 6:00 p.m. This will be the debut of Big (these monsters aren't powerful enough) John. Make sure you bring your A game.

Sign up if your coming.


Anonymous said...

I'm there man! Big bring it!


philipm said...

Where's the Big?

Anonymous said...

been busy with the new g/f. I will be there at 5 on Monday if thats cool Phil. I will need to set up my Hello Kitty Dungeon of Doom.


philipm said...

No problemo but it is probably going to take you more than an hour unless your dungeon is really small. I would get here at four.

Better Hello Kitty than the Pretty Princess Pony Palace of the Apocalypse. Whatever you do don't let Carrie pick the monsters.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan then. I'll get there between 4 and 430 and don't worry I picked out easy monsters for epic characters.

dewmanchu said...

I'll be there

Deviant Perspective said...

this'll be interesting. cant wait. ill be there.
