We are playing this Monday at 6:00 p.m. Sign up if your coming.
We will be playing D&D if we can get enough players. I am recruiting again and am looking for 1-2 new players if anyone has a friend that is interested.
Big mentioned yesterday that the Big/Sean campaign will be 4th level and will take place in a jungle setting. It would be great if Big/Sean could post up some more details and any restrictions they might have about character creation. You could reply here or post in the forums.
Im there man!
Only one class restriction that I can think of today and thats NO sorcerer/Rogues. Other than that all is well.
I talked to sean he says we are accually starting in the Dale lands and not the Jungle. ALso he says there are no class/race restrictions just try and keep it out of the main book.
Well said proxy of sean. Any idea when the Dalelands campaign will begin?
3 weeks.
The great and powerful oz has spoken.
Ya 3 weeks ish. this class is taking a lot of tiem out of class. and requires lots of bs, so finishing touches on the campagin are taking a back seat. i should be there tonight to answer any questions in person.
for now.
multi classing is fine. we'll be in the dales. and ...... just remember when your making your character and picking patron gods, that the dales are home of heros and shit. the majority of the dales are NG. so remember is not easy being evil, but itll be fun.
I don't want to say I'll be there, but I do plan on it. The way the last two weeks had turned out I don't want to jinks myself. Anyways if all goes well then I'll see you then.
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