Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Game On

We will play on 12/31 New Years Eve if there are enough players. Reply if your coming. If we have at least 4 players we will most likely play. I will post a follow up after Christmas.

I hope everyone has a merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Monday 12/17 @ 6:00 p.m.

Post up if you are coming.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Orb Lords

    The Orb Lords, as they have come to be remembered, were a cadre of wizards that ruled the lands north of present day Waterdeep from what is now called the city of glass. The Orb Lords ruled from a palace created entirely of glass steel. It is said that there were many tall towers purely constructed from glass steel as well. The city was called Haelabelee (Hail uh 'Bee lee) and is one of the seventeen wonders of the ancient world. Rumors impossible to substantiate abound about the ancient city but it must have surely been a breathtaking sight.

The lords created a great many magical orbs and thus earned their place in history. It is said that every single magical orb in existence today was created during the three hundred year reign of the Cadre of Nine, as they were known at that time. The Orb of Storms, the Black Orb of Untog and the Spheres of Annihilation are also attributed to the Nine. One thing is certain and that is that a great many orbs were created and a great many survive to this day. Their powers are myriad, in some cases many copies of the same orb were created and in other cases the orbs powers are unique.

    The Orb Lords, the city of glass and a good portion of the realms were laid to waste by a vast army of dragons in what history calls, "The Flight of Dragons". The destruction of the Orb Lords is attributed to Humathax the Black. The legend says that Humathax created the Dragon orbs, including the orb of the eternal dragon. Once Tiamat learned of the existence of the dragon controlling orbs she sent a great flock of elder dragons to lay waste to Haelabelee and destroy Humathax and the dragon orbs. Another account places Humathax in league with Tiamat who ultimately betrayed him.

The city has lain in ruins for more than eight hundred years. What remains of the city lies deep within the Mere of Dead Men swamp. Few who venture into the black waters of the cursed swamp are ever heard from again. The swamp is filled with ancient magics and more than a few angry souls still clinging to this world. It is said that an incredibly powerful black dragon lives in the ruins of the lost city.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Monday 12/10 at 6:00 p.m.

Please post a reply if you're coming.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


    The information included in the two posts for weapons and armor was just intended to communicate what the usual Drow or Svirfneblin would carry. YOU MUST PURCHASE ALL OF YOUR ITEMS WITH DOUBLE THE STARTING GOLD OF A FIRST LEVEL CHARACTER OF YOUR CLASS. Sorry for the confusion. Some of these items do not appear on the standard item list. As always if you want to purchase something that is not on the standard item list it must be purchased in game.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Svirfneblin Player Character

Far beneath the surface of the earth dwell the svirfnebli -the deep gnomes -a race related to the gnomes of the bright world. Small parties of these demi-humans roam here and there in the underworld mazes of small passageways, always in search of gem minerals. Their realm is in a region unknown, but thought to consist of a closely-connected series of vast caverns in which thousands of these diminutive creatures labor for their king.

All the svirfnebli have the following magical powers of illusionist nature: blindness, blur, change self. Each of these spell-like abilities can be used once per day by any deep gnome. All these creatures radiate non-detection identical to the spell of the same name.

The deep gnomes wear leather jacks sewn with rings of mithral-steel alloy over fine chainmail shirts. They do not usually carry shields, as these devices would tend to hinder movement through the narrow corridors favored by the svirfnebli. For every level above 10th a svirfneblin's armor class improves by 1 point.

These gnomes are typically armed with a non-magical +1 dagger and a non-magical +1 pick (horseman's pick, for purposes of damage assessment). Each individual also carries a pouch of special darts, 7-10 hand-hurled missiles of about nine inches in length, with a 40' range and which inflict 1-3 hit points of damage. A svirfneblin can hurl two darts in a single melee round and receive an additional +2 bonus to hit.

Despite their metal armor and arms, these small and fast-moving creatures are able to move very quietly. They are 60% likely to be unseen by any observer, even a kuo-toan, as deep gnomes are able to 'freeze' in place for long periods without any hint of movement. They are surprised only 1 in 12 due to their keen hearing and smelling abilities. They are likely to surprise opponents 90% of the time.

Because of this and their high wisdom, speed and agility, they make all saving throws at +3 except against poison when their bonus is +2.

The svirfnebli communicate with each other by a form of racial empathy when outside their own domains. They have their own language, a dialect of gnomish which a normal gnome is 60% likely to understand. Most deep gnomes are also able to converse in the under- world cant (the trade language) and speak and understand a fair amount of kuo-toan and Drow (tongues of their hated and feared enemies who, along with the mind-flayers, are the worst threat to any deep gnome gem-gathering expedition). All these small creatures can converse with speaking creatures from the Elemental Plane of Earth and it is 90% unlikely that any such creature will harm a svirfneblin, though the deep gnome might have to pay a heavy bribe in precious metal and gems so to escape.

Deep gnomes have infravision to 120' and can also see into the ultra- violet spectrum to a limited extent. They have normal gnomish power with respect to determination of direction, distance beneath the surface, and detection of slopes and unsafe walls, ceilings or floors (see ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS PLAYERS HANDBOOK -Character Races).

Description: A svirfneblin is gnarled and very muscular. Skin color is medium brown to brownish gray. Deep gnomes have grey eyes and tend to be bald.

Drow as a Player Character

Ages past, when the Elvenfolk were but new to the face of the earth, their number was torn by discord and those of better disposition drove from them those of the elves who were selfish and cruel. However constant warfare between the two divisions of Elven kind continued, with the goodly ones ever victorious, until those of dark nature were forced to withdraw from the lands under the skies and seek safety in the realm of the underworld. Here, in lightless caverns and endless warrens of twisting passages and caves hung with icicles of stone, the dark Elvenfolk -the Drow -found both refuge and comfort. Over the centuries they grew strong once again and schooled themselves in arcane arts. And though they were strong enough to face and perhaps defeat their former brethren in battle, the Drow no longer desired to walk upon the green lands under the sun and stars. They no longer desired a life in the upper world, being content with the gloomy fairyland beneath the earth that they had made their own. Yet they neither forgave nor forgot, and even now, above all else, they bear enmity for all of their distant kin -elves and faeries -who drove them down beneath the earth and now dwell in the meadows and dells of the bright world. Though they are seldom if ever seen by any human or demi-human, the Drow still persist, occasionally entering lower dungeon levels and consorting with other creatures in order to work out their schemes and inflict revenge upon those who inhabit the world above.

Drow wear a fine mesh armor of exquisite workmanship. It is made of an alloy of steel containing adamantite. Even the lowliest fighters have in effect +1 chainmail, with higher level Drow having +2, +3, +4 or even +5 chainmail. Small bucklers are also used, shields of unusual shape, those Drow of greater experience level and importance in Drow society having bucklers fashioned of adamantite so as to be +1, +2 or even +3 value.

As will be described later, all Drow move silently and with graceful speed, even when wearing their black mesh of armor. Each Drow carries a small amount of personal wealth in a soft leather bag worn around the neck beneath the mail. In addition they arm themselves with long dagger and short sword of adamantite alloy (+1 to as high as +3 or even +4 borne by noble folk); 50% or more carry small cross- bows which are held in one hand (6" range light crossbow) and shoot darts coated with a poison which renders the victim unconscious (save is at -4). These darts also inflict 1-3 points of damage on a victim. A few Drow also carry adamantite maces (+1 to +5) and/or small javelins (also poisoned with the same substance as the darts) with atlatls (9"range, +3/+2/+1 to hit at short/medium/long range).

Drow have superior infravision of the 12" range variety and move with silence when wearing their special boots. The black boots and cloaks that Drow wear are similar to cloaks and boots of Elvenkind, except that the wearer has only a 75% chance of surprising enemies or blending into shadows. The material will not cut easily and cloaks have a +6 to saving throws vs. fire attacks; however, any alteration to the cloak has a 75%chance of unraveling the material and making it useless. Drow themselves are only 12%% (1 in 8) likely to be surprised by opponents. Drow are also both intelligent and highly co-ordinated, being able to use either or both hands for attack and defense. They make saving throws versus all forms of magic (clerical included) spells, whether from a caster or from a device, at +2. Because the Drow have dwelled so long in the dark labyrinthine places under the surface of the earth, they dislike bright light. They will not venture forth into daylight except on the cloudiest, gloomiest days. If within the radius of a light or continual light spell the dark elves are 90% likely to be seen, they lose 2 from their dexterity and all attacks made by them are at -2 on the 'to hit' roll (+2 on saving rolls against such attacks as applicable). If they are attacking targets inside the radius of light or continual light spells, the bright illumination causes them to suffer a 'to hit' penalty of -1 and the converse +1 on saving throws against such attacks is awarded to the target creatures. If bright light exists, it is 75% likely that Drow will retire from the situation because of the illumination, unless such a retreat would imperil one of their numbers, would otherwise be harmful to their desired ends or would expose some important feature to the light- bringing intruders. In any event, such dimmer light sources as torches, lanterns, magic weapons, fire beetle essence or faerie fire do not adversely affect the performance of the dark elves.

Drow are able to speak the subterranean trade language common to most intelligent dwellers in the underworld, the common tongue, gnome, Elven and their own language in addition to the other tongues which their level of intelligence allows. Many know the languages of the various races which speak and dwell underground. All of the dark elves also have a silent language composed of hand movements, and this means of communication is highly sophisticated, being able to convey much information to a considerable degree of complexity. When Drow are within 30' of each other, they use facial and body expression, movement and posture; these latter means of communication alone are capable of conveying considerable information, and when coupled with hand/finger movements the whole is as erudite as any spoken speech.

All the dark elves can use the following spells once per day: dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness. Those above 4th level are also able to detect magic, know alignment and levitate once per day. Drow females can, in addition, use the following spells once per day: clairvoyance, detect lie, suggestion, dispel magic. Drow have powers which are the same as those of dwarves with respect to stone and things underground. They also detect hidden or secret doors on a 2 in 6.

Special Note Regarding Drow Treasure: Cloaks, armor, and weapons made by the Drow have special properties, although they do not radiate magic. The items are made in the strange homeland of the Drow: vast underground cities of carven stone and minerals, places of weird and fantastic beauty inundated with unknown radiations which impart the special properties to their items. When these are exposed to direct sunlight, irreversible decay starts and the items will become totally useless in 2-12 days. If protected from sunlight, they will retain their special properties for 31-50 days before becoming normal items; and if exposed to the radiations of the Drow homeland for a period of 1 week out of every 4 weeks, the items could remain potent indefinitely. Drow sleep poison decays instantly in sunlight, and will lose its effectiveness after 60 days in any event after being exposed to air, although unopened packets of the poison will remain potent for up to one year.

Description: Drow are black-skinned and pale-haired. They are slight of build and have long, delicate fingers and toes.

Drow as a player characters are individuals that have been exiled for one reason or another. They almost always lack the natural magic resistance and sometimes are missing other powers. Drow society does not tolerate weakness and these individuals are quickly expelled from their house. Drow without a house affiliation are targets for ridicule, violence or worse and these individuals usually leave the community at the first opportunity.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Wiki Pic

I know some of you already know but for those that don't, my old, old game table is pictured in the Wikipedia entry for Dungeons and Dragons. Pretty cool I think...

Character sheets

Dewey found this link to 23 "old school" character sheets. Thanks Dewey!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Monday 12/3 at 6:00 p.m.

Please have your character as ready as you can so we do not have to spend a lot of game time on character creation. If you were not here last Monday you are unaware that everyone that was here died. We are begining a new campaign in the underdark. If you are one of those that still live you can journey there and join the party. Alternately you can create a new underdark character as I have opened up the following underdark races for PCs; Drow, Duergar, Svirfneblin, Gnome. These races have some extraordinary powers that you will not. Later in the week I will post errata that lists what exactly these races can do as PCs.

Please post a reply if your coming.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hard Drive Failure

Due to my hard drive failure I no longer have your email addresses. Please send me an email to so I can save your email address.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Game ON

We are playing this Monday 11/26 @ 6:00 p.m. Reply if your coming.

I signed up Jon, Dewey and Daniel for Paintball this Sunday 11/25 @10:00 a.m. Jim I signed you up tentatively. You need to get back to me if you are still interested in playing and I will get you a gun setup. IF you saved my D&D email with directions my phone number is at the bottom. Also I need to know if any of you guys need paint. They sell them at FMJ for $43 a case. If you reply here I can reserve you a case. That is cheaper than wallmart paint and much better.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Game On 11/19

We are playing this Monday @ 6:00 p.m.

Post a reply if your coming.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Game On 11/12

We are playing this Monday 11/12 at 6:00 p.m.

Please post a reply if your coming.

I am recruiting new players. If you have a friend interested in playing, bring them along. If you need a character please contact me via email or phone so we can generate one prior to game time.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Game On

Game On November 5th at 6:00 p.m.

Reply to this thread if your coming.

Monday, October 29, 2007

No Game Today

There will be no game today.

We will play next Monday 11/5 @ 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

No Game

No game tomorrow 10/22. I am taking my daughter to the Fair.

We will play the following Monday if there are enough players.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Game On Monday 10/15

We are playing tomorrow 10/15 at 6:00 p.m.

Post a reply if your coming.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Monday, October 01, 2007

No Game Today

Sorry for the late notice. I have the corporate inspector dude in my stores today and I have no way of knowing when I will be done. So...I am calling it off. We will definately play next Monday.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Monday 9/24 at 6:00 p.m.

Reply if your coming.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Game On

We are plaing this Monday 9/17 at 6:00 p.m.

Please post whether or not you are coming.

Friday, September 07, 2007

4th Edition on YouTube Link to the GenCon panel video describing some of the new stuff about 4th edition. I have to say that it looks pretty awesome. They make some tall claims (Playability through level 30) but if they can pull it off it is going to rock. There are four parts so be sure to watch them all. Go here for the official 4th edition D&D website

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Game ON

We are playing this Monday 9/10 at 6:00 p.m. Please take a second to reply as to whether or not your going to make it to the game.

More pics...



Tamar and I had a fantastic time at DragonCon this year, though we are still suffering from PostConDepression or PCD. Here are some random con pics. Blogger will only let me upload 5 friggin pics at a time. I am about to ditch them and create my own webpage.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


A&O will be closed for DragonCon. We will return at our regularly scheduled time the following Monday. I will throw up some pics from the Con when I get a chance.

No Game on Monday 9/3.

Game On Monday 9/10.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Game On

We are playing Monday 8/27 at 6:00 p.m.

Reply in this thread if whether or not your coming.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Monday at 6:00 p.m.

Post a reply and let us know whether or not you are coming.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

4th Edition D&D (I told you so...)

August 16, 2007 (Renton, WA) – Whether you storm a mad wizard's tower every week or haven't delved into a dungeon since you had a mullet and a mean pair of parachute pants, one thing is certain - millions of D&D players worldwide have anticipated the coming of 4th Edition for many years. Today, Wizards of the Coast confirms that the new edition will launch in May 2008 with the release of the D&D Player's Handbook. A pop culture icon, Dungeons & Dragons is the #1 tabletop roleplaying game in the world, and is revered by legions of gamers of all ages.The 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons game includes elements familiar to current D&D players, including illustrated rulebooks and pre-painted plastic miniatures. Also releasing next year will be new web-based tools and online community forums through the brand-new Dungeons & Dragons Insider (D&D Insider) digital offering. D&D Insider lowers the barriers of entry for new players while simultaneously offering the depth of play that appeals to veteran players. The 4th Edition rules emphasize faster game play, offer exciting new character options, and reduce the amount of "prep time" needed to run the game. D&D Insider includes a character creator that lets players design and equip their D&D characters, dungeon- and adventure-building tools for Dungeon Masters, online magazine content, and a digital game table that lets you play 24/7 on the internet — the perfect option for anyone who can't find time to get together."We've been gathering player feedback for eight years," said Bill Slavicsek, R&D Director of Roleplaying and Miniatures Games at Wizards of the Coast. "Fourth Edition streamlines parts of the D&D game that are too complex, while enhancing the overall play experience. At its heart, it's still a tabletop game experience. However, D&D Insider makes it easier for players to create characters, run their games, and interact with the rest of the D&D community." Wizards of the Coast will release two 4th Edition preview books in December and January — Wizards Presents: Classes and Races and Wizards Presents: Worlds and Monsters. The first live demos of 4th Edition will happen at the D&D Experience gaming convention in Washington D.C. in February 2008. The full scope of 4th Edition books, miniatures, and adventures will be available in the spring and summer of 2008. Since its first release in 1974, the fantasy roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons has taken millions of players on imaginary adventures of epic scale. Today, D&D is universally regarded as the original game that created the roleplaying game category, and the inspiration for generations of game designers. D&D is enjoyed by millions of players worldwide, while countless more remember it with fond nostalgia

Friday, August 10, 2007

Game on

We are playing this Monday 8/13 at 6:00 p.m.

We need at least four players.

Please post a comment if you can come.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

No Game This Week

I have a bad cold and lost my voice. All I can do is croak like a frog or whisper. I am going to have a game next week on the day that you guys choose via your votes in the posts below. Look for the Game Day post the middle of next week.

Don't forget to download the OSRIC Advanced Dungeons and Dragons rules.

I am looking forward to gaming next week and I hope we can finally have a good turnout.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


OSRIC is an OGL version of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. I read through it and there are no significant changes from the Players Handbook. Please go here and download OSRIC for free. These are the rules I will be using for an upcoming campaign. If you already own an Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook you can use it instead. I have found them available on ebay and for under ten bucks shipped. I will likely have some OSRIC manuals printed for people that do not want to purchase a book.
I am not giving up on 3.5 D&D. For one thing I own several hundred dollars worth of 3.5 books. I may take what I like from 3.5 and Advanced and create a Frankenstein version at some point in the future. Why switch to Advanced Dungeons and Dragons? The Game mechanics are horribly broken. It is something that will not be apparent from the players side of the table. You would have to experience it from the dungeon building perspective. The challenge rating system for monsters is completely wrong. The entire experience system is broken. The DC system is broken. It is way too easy to pass a DC check. The combat system is cumbersome and riddled with pointless rules. All of the different ways to avoid damage are a huge headache and impossible to keep up with at high levels. The spells are incomplete at best and horribly broken at worst. The best reason of all is that I know this system backwards and forwards. I know what all of the spells and magic items do.
I am in the process of purchasing all of the old Advanced books that I used to own. I should have them all in about two weeks. We will convert the low level party to Advanced/OSRIC at the next game session. You can go here or search the web, and download an Advanced character sheet. Online Character generator. I will, of course, provide you with one on the game day.
I have never played Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, how hard is it to learn? You basically already know how to play. There will just be some changes to the combat system and the spells will say EXACTLY what they do.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Game On Monday

Comment here if you would like to play on Mondays @ 6:00 p.m.

Game On Sunday

Comment here if you want to keep the Sunday Game day @ 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Who Can Play Mondays?

It looks like Sundays are a no go for over half of the players now.
My options are to move the game to Mondays or find new players.
Who can play Monday?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

MM-V is in the mail!

The cover gives me warm fuzzy feelings. More monsters = Good.

Only 42 days left until Dragon Con

Woot! Woot! Only 42 days left and I am starting to get a little excited. I had a blast last year and I am looking forward to this year!

If you haven't thought about it go to and check it out. It's too late to get a room in one of the main hotels but there are probably plenty of rooms in the area.

Game ON

The Game is Cancelled due to lack of attendance.

We will try again next week.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Game On 6/15

Well it's noon and there are only two people signed up so I am calling it for today.

We will try again next Sunday.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Sunday @ 6:00 p.m.

Reply to this post with a yes or no, please.


Saturday, June 30, 2007

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Game On

Sorry for the late post. We are on for tomorrow @ 6:00 p.m.

Post up if you can make it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Game On

It may be Fathers day but monsters still need some killin...

I need 4 players minimum. Please sign up if your coming.

Here is one of my favorite poems to brighten your day...

"Might be innocent, might be sweet; not half as nice as rotting meat." - Blix(From the movie Legend)

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Sunday at 6:00 p.m.

Post if you coming.

Friday, June 01, 2007

The First Epoch

It is said that a great exodus brought dragon kind from another world to Toril. It is said that they came like locust and swept all other races aside, building a mighty empire that stretched from the Sword Coast all the way to the Moon Sea and beyond. Rumors speak of them not in terms of monster but rather as a mighty race, the Vraad. It is said that they escaped some cataclysm that destroyed their world and left them but shadows of their former selves. Little remains of the power of the Vraad, for now there is only the Dragon.

Now, in this time, the dragon Emperor has ruled for fourteen thousand years over a vast empire that covers most of the central realms from his palace in the Spine of the World Mountains. Hidden away in the primordial woods that cover nearly the entire realms the Elven court of Queen Elientorn encroaches on the boundaries of the Vraad Emperor. Deep beneath the Thunder Peaks the many kingdoms of the Dwarves are close to their zenith of power. Mankind is little more than stone age barbarians living in small tribes in the forest.

The empire of Khizaddulgur, the Golden Emperor, is dissimilar to all other empires before and since. The “lesser races” are left completely to their own devices so long as they not interfere with the dragons. There is no law. No semblance of order is imposed. As far as the dragons are concerned all other beings are simply irrelevant, except as a source of nourishment. There are no dragon cities. They live in huge subterranean complexes beneath mountains. One could traverse the entire empire and never encounter a dragon so long as you do not stray too close to one of their strongholds.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Sunday at 6:00 p.m. We will start at 6 sharp.

This week we are beginning a new campaign with a new party of 1st level characters. This campaign is set at the end of the first Epoch when the great dragon empire sprawls across much of the realms. The Elven and Dwarven civilizations are near their peaks and remnants of the Giants empire still exist. Humans are found only in small barbarian tribes on the fringes of the mighty demi-human empires. The available races are Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Dragon, and Human (Humans must be a Barbarian or cleric only).

If you choose to be a Dragon you will need to email me for instructions. Basically you will be a young Dragon and will have to earn some experience prior to choosing a player class. I do not want more than one person playing a Dragon so the first person to email me wins.

This party will be Evil so you must choose an evil alignment or an alignment that can adventure with evil beings.

You need to show up with your character already created. When you create your character you will roll 4 dice and drop the lowest dice. You will generate 7 scores and drop the lowest score. You can put the scores wherever you like. You need to equip your character. Roll your starting money and purchase any non-magical items you want from the standard item list.

When you have your character done post a reply to this thread with your characters Name, Class and Race.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Sunday 5/27 at 6:00 p.m.

Please post your attendance status.

I hope everyone can make the game!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Sunday at 6:00 p.m.

Please post if your coming. (or not coming)

Please be on time.


P.S. If you were directed here by my recruiting efforts drop me an email at and I will give you a brief description of my game and directions.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Game On

The quest for the Netherese book of Necromancy continues this Sunday 5/13 at 6:00 p.m.

The game will start promptly at 6:00 p.m. regardless of the number of players present.

Please take a sec. to post if your coming or not.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Sunday 5/6 at 6:00 p.m. I hope everyone can make the game. Please post if your coming, lest you incur the wrath of Big.

p.s. I left Big's rather venomous comments on the blog because I can understand his frustration. I don't have to leave at 10:00 and I guess I have grown accustomed to people being late so it doesn't bother me as much. I understand the pressures of family and I know that some people are late because of work so I haven't said anything. I would appreciate it greatly if every player would check the blog at the least on Saturday and post a "yes I'm coming" or "no I can't make it". I get asked every Sunday how many players are coming and I never know the answer, causing Tamar to have to guess how much food to cook.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Game On

The quest for the Necromantic Book of Power continues this Sunday 4/29 at 6:00 p.m.

Please post weather or not your coming.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

House Rules

Revised 04/2007 
 1. Unadjusted 20 always succeeds. 
2. Unadjusted 1 always fails. 
3. 1’s are always re-rolled when gaining hitpoints. (Level Up, Drinking Potions, etc…) 
4. Magic armor and clothing will shrink or expand to fit any wearer. 
5. If you fail a saving throw for a damage spell that engulfs you or otherwise subjects your gear to its effects, your items have to save or be destroyed. 
6. Magical storage devices that store spells or spell-like effects violently expel their energy when damaged or destroyed. 
7. Attack of opportunity rules are not used with the following exceptions. Leaving combat or passing through someone’s threat zone evokes an attack of opportunity.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Game On 4/22

We are playing this Sunday at 6:00 p.m.

Please post weather or not your comming.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Game on Sunday 4/15

We are playing tomorrow at 6:00 p.m.

Please post a reply if your comming, it helps for food planning purposes. You have a better chance of getting a nice meal if I can tell Tamar how many people are comming. Unfortunately half the time only two or three people bother to post that they are comming and I am forced to email or call everyone. Please take ten seconds out of your bussy week to post if your comming or not.

Secondly, I sometimes post game related articles here so I suggest you check the blog once durring the week and once on Sunday afternoon.


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

How do you feel about Advanced Dungeons and Dragons?

Due to my ever growing disgust with most things 3.5 edition I am forced to ask the following question. Who is interested in playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons? I don't want to alienate anyone that is simply not going to play AD&D so I will only switch if it is unanimous. There are two options, we switch entirely and convert all existing characters or we start a new campaign with level 1 AD&D characters and switch back and forth. If you have never played AD&D option two would be a great way to give it a try.

If you are wondering about rule books I downloaded a PDF version of the players handbook that I would have printed and bound and distribute it to everyone free of charge.

Let me know what you think.

Game On Sunday 4/8

Woot! We are playing Easter Sunday @ 6:00 p.m. Sign up Heathens!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Game ON 4/1

We are playing this Sunday at 6:30 p.m.

Post up if your going to make the game!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Return of Kas

The night sky split and a kaleidoscope of colors spewed forth followed by a thunderous explosion that shook the buildings of the capital city of Thay. As quickly as it appeared it was gone but not before it belched out a black shape trailing sparks and thick black smoke. The black smoke made a long line as he fell downward from a thousand or more feet smashing at terminal velocity into a potters shop. With a deafening crash his body punched through the roof and he landed in a tangle of wooden racks and broken pottery. It took a few moments but a crowd formed on the street peering through the plate glass windows into Momoru’s House of Fine Pottery. Several moments more and a few of the onlookers raised the courage to push their way through the broken mess to see what fell from the sky. Laying amongst the pottery shards was a huge warrior in strange white armor. The armor was covered in runes and evil looking faces that mumbled in some unintelligible, wicked sounding language. One man reached down to remove his helm but when his hands touched the strange white metal he convulsed violently and fell over dead as tendrils of white smoke rose from his body. No one else offered their hand in aid and a few people felt it was a prudent time to make their exit. Even still the crowd began to grow and finally a red robed wizard, barely a wizard really, arrived with some guards to investigate the strange occurrence. The one in red barked orders to the dozen soldiers and quickly the crowd was pushed back. He entered the shop flanked by four more soldiers. His eyes widened in shock as they fell upon this legend come to life from the ancient writings of his order. The cult of blood lived on though it was greatly diminished and those that remain remember well, in the lore books of their order, what transpired that horrible night so long ago. Here lay Kas, the Vampyre Lord, and High Warlord of the armies of Thayonestia. The red wizard stood there, lowest in rank was he, in the presence of an ancient lord and he hesitated. Thoughts raced through his head as he ran down the list of possible courses of action. While he waited Kas’ body completed its regeneration and his eyes snapped open. He rose to a mumbling and gasping crowd. Unaware that nearly seven thousand years had passed since he was blown from the courtyard of the citadel of the cult of blood he said with a military snap in his voice to the officer standing with his mouth agape, “Sergeant, Report!”

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Game On Sunday 3/25

We are playing this Sunday @ 6:00 p.m. Please post a reply if your going to make the game!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Game on Sunday 3/18

We are playing this Sunday 3/18 at 6:00 p.m. If you are planning on making the game please take a second to post a reply.

I am still recruiting players. If you have a friend that is interested in playing have them give me a call.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Game On Sunday 3/11

We are playing this Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Please try to be on time.

I am still recruiting players. If you know someone that is interested in playing have them give me a call.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Game On Sunday 3/4

We are playing this Sunday 3/4 at 6:00 p.m. Post up if your planning on making the game.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Game On This Sunday

We are playing this Sunday 2/25 at 6:00 p.m. I hope everyone can make it (on time). It brings a little tear to my eye when I imagine a day where all of the players arrive prior to and are ready to play at 6:00. Perhaps one day...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Game On!

We are playing this Sunday Feb 18th at 6:00pm. Post up if your going to make it to the game.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

No game this week.

We are not playing this week due to superbowl Sunday nor are we playing next week due to me being out of town. We will play the following Sunday if all goes well.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Game On Sunday 1/14

We are playing this Sunday at 6:00 pm. We are playing the Waterdeep party. Please leave a comment if you are comming.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Game On

We are playing this Sunday 1/7/07 at 6:00pm. If you are planning on comming please post a reply. I hope everyone can make it this Sunday.